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 To get/set the calculator printing tape.


      CALCPTAPE( [<cNewTape>] )  -> nOldTape


      <nNewTape> is an optional character parameter containing the new
      printing tape.

     . NOTE

      This IS NOT the scrolling tape found at the top of the calculator.

      This IS the tape accumulated by using a CALCPRINT(2) or CALCPRINT(1)
      printing status (See CALCPRINT).



      CALCPTAPE() returns the current calculator printing tape. (This tape
      will be printed according to the current CALCPRINT printing status).


     . NOTE

      Printing must be turned on by user pressing the "P" key during use
      for any printing to occur.


      You may use CALCPTAPE() to get/set the calculator printing status.

      Regarding the tape:

      .  Each line is separated by a CRLF combination.
      .  Each iteration (use) of the calculator is separated by a Chr(12)
         Eject character.
      .  CALCPRINT(-1) forces a complete print and purge of the tape.
      .  CALCPRINT(-2) purges the tape.

     . NOTE

      Although highly unlikely, if the length of the calculator tape exceeds 
      32,000 characters, it will cease to record further lines until purged.



     ** Example 1 - Adding a Header

        CalcPrint(1)  //hold printing throughout use of the calculator.

        //Holds a header
        CalcPTape("Calculator 1.6 (c) Touchstone"+Chr(13)+Chr(10))

        Calculator()  // (printing is performed upon escape or exit)

     ** Example 2 - Print Tape Later

        CalcPrint(2)  //hold printing until further commands change it
        Calculator()  // (nothing is printed)


        //Adds a footer to the tape
        CalcPTape( CalcPTape()+" --- from Touchstone "+Chr(13)+Chr(10) )

        //Prints the complete tape (with footer)

 Files: CALC.LIB

 Author: Touchstone Business Creations          CompuServe ID: 73670,2561
         28613 River Glen Ct. #1
         Menifee, CA 92584-8987 USA

         (909) 679-3364

 Owner : (c) Copyright, 1991,92,93 Touchstone Business Creations

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson